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張曉童 男 畢業于東北師範大學美術學院油畫系獲碩士學位 居北京爲職業藝術家 吉林省美学学会会员 參展經曆: 13年吉林省首屆油畫雙年展(長春•吉林) 13年 第五届东北亚国际书画摄影邀请展(长春·吉林) 12年 第四屆東北亞國際書畫攝影展优秀奖(長春•吉林) 12年吉林省高校視覺藝術大賽一等奖(長春•吉林) 10年“對視0.3米”雙人作品展(北京•798) 10年第二屆五四青年藝術節(798•亞洲藝術中心) 10年第六屆國際宋莊藝術節(中國•宋莊) 08年上苑藝術館駐館藝術家(北京•上苑) 07年第二屆中國當代藝術文獻展(北京) 07年"STOP30秒"當代藝術展(上海•證大藝術館) 06年"翼.八0藝術群展"(北京傑孚畫廊). 05年作品《文化》入圍"首屆中國新秀陶藝家作品雙年展"(陝西•西安). 03年作品《囚》入圍中國吉林省第二屆青年美展`銀獎.(吉林•長春) 出版記錄:《首届吉林省油画双年展作品集》、《當代北方青年美術家作品集》、《第二屆中國當代藝術文獻展文獻》、《吉林省高校視覺藝術大賽》 收藏記錄:上海證大藝術館,上苑藝術館,北京歌華美術館及國內外私人收藏                                                    Resume Zhang Xiaotong, Male , Graduated from Oil Painting Department, College of Fine Arts of Northeast Normal University. Lived and worked as a professional artist in Beijing. Now studying in the College of Fine Arts of Northeast Normal University for a master’s degree. Jilin Province Fine Arts Association member Experience of Participating in Exhibitions: 2013-Participated in The first Jilin Oil Painting Biennale(Jilin·Changchun) 2013-Participated in The fifth “Northeast Asia International Painting and Calligraphy Invitational Exhibition”(Jilin·Changchun) 2012-Participated in The fourth “Northeast Asia International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition”(Jilin·Changchun) 2012-Took part in Jilin university visual art competition (Jilin·Changchun) 2010-Participated in “Mutual Vision 0.3 Meter” Works Exhibition of two persons(Beijing·798) 2010-Participated in The second Youth Art Festival (798· Asia Art Center) 2010 -Participated in The second Youth Art Festival (798· Asia Art Center) 2010 -Participated in the sixth Songzhuang International Art Festival (Songzhuang·China) 2010 -Participated in the sixth Songzhuang International Art Festival (Songzhuang·China) 2008 -Participated in Served as ShangyuanArt Scene's residentartist(Shangyuan Art Museum) 2007- Participated in "The secondExhibitionofChineseContemporary ArtDocumentation",(Beijing) 2007- Participated in “STOP 30 Seconds”Contemporary Art Exhibition(Zendai Museum of Modern Art) 2006 - Participated in “Wing. 8 0 Art Group Exhibitions”(Beijing· Jie Fu Gallery) 2005 -The work《Culture》 was selected to be exhibited in “The first Chinese Rookie Potter Works Biennial (Shanxi·Xi an) 2003 - The work《Prisoners》won the silver medal in The Second Youth Art Exhibition of Jilin Province,China(Jilin·Changchun) Exhibition Publication Record :《The Collection of Contemporary Young Northern Artists’ Works 》《The SecondExhibitionofChineseContemporaryArtDocumentation》《 Jilin University Visual Art Competition》 Collection Record: Zengda Museum of Modern Art,Shangyuan Art Museum,Beijing Gehua Art Museum and private collections at home and abroad
